Thinking Skills Activity: Creating

Bob Valiant, 15 March 2004


Thinking Skill Emphasized: CREATIVITY

Creating a new product involves using previously learned skills in new ways.


Activity Description:

Throughout history people have created and lived in many different kinds of shelters. Most modern day shelters are planted on the earth. Our task is to design some dwellings that would be in harmony with the environment and would be easier to maintain than most modern homes. They must be made of a completely natural material such as a tree, rocks, or soil (The natural part must be completely unrefined, i.e. the tree could not be cut into lumber) and should blend in with nature in color, texture and shape.

1. Work in small groups to brainstorm ideas for the dwelling.

2. Select the ideas to incorporate into the design of one dwelling.

3. Draw a sketch of what the dwelling would look like and list the properties that make the dwelling unique.

Grade Level Range:Secondary

Subject or Course:Social Studies

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